Zosia Legowska

Chene Street History Project,
Marian Krzyzowski, Director

A social history of the Detroit Chene Street
 neighborhood (1890-1990) as seen through the eyes of everyday people in their everyday lives.

The University of Michigan

Annual Timeline of Selected Events in the Life of Zosia Legowska

Linked interview fragments (in Polish) open in pop-up windows.  Brief summaries appear here (ZL:  Zosia Legowska; MK:  Marian Krzyzowski.
Hover the mouse over underlined, italicized text to see interview summary (in English) and broader historical context.
Click on long green timeline (prior to about 1950) to see all broader historical context materials displayed together in sequence.
Click on thumbnail images to see larger images.

Zosia's parents Jan Kowalski (b. 1889, Rzeczyczyna, Poland, son of Hipolit and Karolina) and Anna Piotrowska (b. 1898) get married and live in Rzeczyczyna (Wolhynia, Poland; present day Ukraine).  
Antoni, Zosia's older brother, is born.
1922  February 8.  Zosia is born in Rzeczyczyna.

Interview Fragment.   English language summary.   Polish language voice file:  Early memories.   
The family moves to Kozak, a village near the town of Korzec where Jan Kowalski has a large farm in Kozak.  Mother, Anna Piotrowska, stays home to take care of the family.

Map:  Kozak village, is near Korzec town, Wolhynia (Wojewodztwo Wolynskie) in the Pre-war Republic of Poland (today: Ukraine).
Agata (Agatka), Zosia's sister, is born.
Stanislaw (Stasiu), Zosia's brother, is born.
Wiktoria (Wikcia), Zosia's sister, is born.
Janina (Janka), Zosia's sister, is born. 
Interview Fragment English language summaryPolish language voice file:  The death of Zosia's mother.
Jan Kowalski marries his second wife Anna Jaworska.
1939    Broader historical context. 
1940   Broader historical context.

February 10 -- the family is taken from its home in Kozak by the Soviets, and sent by train from Korzec along with thousands of others, and deported to a transitory forced labor camp in the Soviet city of Gorky (today: Nizny Nowogrod).

Interview FragmentEnglish language summaryPolish language voice file:   Deportation 1940

Image of Our Lady of Czestochowa that Zosia Kowalska took with her in 1940 when she was forcefully resettled from her home in Wolhynia to the Siberian Gulag.  She kept it with her all the way to liberation and the United States.

ZL: On the 10th of February the Russians came in the night and told us to pack all the stuff that we could take with us, and they took us… (…) And they put us into these trains. And there was no water, no light, no lavatory. And there was freeze, February 10th, it was terrible. And then people, huddled, they cried… (…) And so they brought us to this Gorky (…)

MK: You mentioned this image. Could you tell about this image once more?

ZL: Well, this image… all the people there were asking if someone perhaps had some, even if small, image of Jesus or Holy Mother. And I remembered that I just had an image. And then they took this image, and attached it so high, and these women were coming, cried, kneeled, prayed to God to take them out of that place (…) And then a miracle happened, that the sky opened, Blessed Sacrament, and people talked that…. God, perhaps a miracle will happen… and they took us and transported, in a few weeks, in a different place (…)

February 21 -- Kowalski family arrives in Gorky and works at the Poldniewica labor camp in the Szarinski District of Gorky Province.  They stay there over half a year until they are relocated to another camp in the northern Russian region of Archangielsk.

Zosia Kowalska poses for a photo (dressed up in borrowed clothes) in Russia.

 Ocotber 25 1940: they arrive at the Saminskij forced labor camp  (Adomski District, Wologodzka Province, Archangielsk Region).  Here is a view of the place today.

Interview Fragment.  English language summaryPolish language voice fileSiberia/Archangielsk

Image of
Zosia Kowalska in the Siberian Gulag.  She is standing at the far right.

MK: Where did they take...?

ZL: I don’t remember exactly that place. But they took us there, and we… into those small rooms. There was no water, and anything. And later we were going to the forest to work (…) Russians were saying: ‘you will not see Poland any more (…) you have to live here and work’. (…) So we worked there. And it was difficult to work, to go to the forest and chop wood. (…)

Night and day was the same.

MK: it was in the north?

ZL: yes, in the north. And later they again… me and other women… we had to pull the wood to the river. And I remember, that one woman said: ‘take this peg and put it here, so this wood… and I will lift (…)’. And I didn’t make it yet and she dropped that wood and that wood hit me here, in my teeth, almost killed me, but only knocked out my teeth. And I fell down. And my brother came and saw and started to scream and cry. He thought that was already dead. 

  Broader historical context.

June-- Zosia has an accident at work in the forest.

  • The family is transported to Kazakhstan.
  • August 31 -- They are released from imprisonment in Uralsk (Kazakhstan) and allowed to join the new Polish army which was forming in the Soviet Union territory following the military agreement of August 14.

September - December
  • The family traveled through Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan, where the nearest center of formation of the Polish Army was located.  Travel through Kazakhstan was long and difficult for Zosia.  She got lost along the way and traveled most of the way alone.  But in the end she found her family. 
Interview Fragment.  English language summaryPolish language voice fileTravel through Kazakhstan.

ZL: … they were transporting us in the train there, to Kazakhstan… and I remember… were transporting us, and I wanted to get some food for the family. (…) The train stopped, and they said: ‘oh, here, there may be a bazaar here, so maybe you go and get something’. So I had few rubles, I run quickly to that bazaar to get something. And I bought some, and there was no more to buy. And I am coming back and the train left already. And I stayed…



… and I quickly… and there was a high bank, so I slide down and sit there huddled, and they were watching the whole train everywhere and they didn’t find me. And then the train moved, and I jumped quickly on those steps and grabbed that door. And I held it and traveled this way. I don’t know how long I traveled, I don’t remember, until that place where my family was… and when I came… my father saw me there, and they cried. They couldn’t recognize me, I was so black, dirty from that sand, mud, everything.


… and later (…) they were taking us to these various villages (…) maybe there were 10-12 carts. So we had to walk, and they – elderly or children – they could sit. And I remember we walked and walked, and finally they brought us to that place. And these small huts… they put us there, so we sit there. And already the second day, or the third, they already gave us work. So we went to work and they were saying that the potatoes need to be dig (…) and younger, who was healthy, so that they go there to dig those potatoes. (…)

Later, from behind the bushes, they were looking… these women from Kazakhstan were looking… that we so… there was around 15 of us, we dig those potatoes. Those potatoes were so small. And I had a coat… a jacket, and I had a belt ligated and if there was a potato a bit bigger than a nut I put that everything to that pocket to bring there for my family, so they could make something from those potatoes. (…)
  • The oldest brother Antoni separated from the family at some point of the journey and managed to join Anders Army, probably somewhere in Kazakhstan (in the fall 1941).  He sent a postcard to his family (which stayed in a village in Kazakhstan at that time) informing them about where to go and what to do, since they, as civilians, needed to get a certificate that a member of their family was an Anders’ soldier.
Interview Fragment.  English language summaryPolish language voice file:   On the organization of Anders' Army.

ZL: My brother sent a postcard, that there somewhere the army already was organizing itself.

MK: the Polish army?

ZL: yes, the Polish army.

MK: Anders’ army?

ZL: yes. So he joined the army (…). We got that postcard. And later, I could read Russian very well, I read newspapers. I was buying the newspapers somewhere there, and I was reading that the Polish army was organizing itself, that they will be releasing us (…)


And then I took that postcard and I went in train to Guzor. And there the Polish army was organizing itself. And I found a soldier there (…), and I got that stamp. And I brought it back home and then we started to pack and we managed to get out. (…) And so we walked to that town.

1942  Broader historical context.  Part 1   |  Part 2   |  Part 3

  • Zosia and the rest of the Kowalski family join the Polish Army in G’uzor  (Guzar) in Uzbekistan.
  • The Kowalski family travels from Guzar to Kermine (now Navoi, Uzbekistan) with the 7th Infantry Division. (Commander: Gen. Zygmunt Szyszko-Bohusz, later replaced by Gen. Leopold Okulicki).

Interview Fragment.  English language summaryPolish language voice file
From Guzar to Kermine with the Army.

ZL: And we got out of that place, the same, you had to be careful (…) and we arrived to Kermine, somehow, a miracle, where the army was organizing itself. And we, there, in those barracks, those tents were on the field. And we there….... there in those tents. But we needed bread, we needed something to eat. So they were giving a soup once a day, once a day you could get a soup (…) And my stepmother was going and collecting some green leaves and was cooking to add some more to that.

  • In Kermine, Zosia got a job in the army’s kitchen.  Brother Stanislaw joins the military school (szkola junacka). Later Zosia with her younger sisters Wikcia and Agatka join the military school for girls (szkola juneczek). They separate from the rest of their family and travel with the school.

March-- August: Zosia’s Journey: from Kermine (Uzbekistan) – in train to Krasnowodzk (Turkmenistan) – from there in ship through the Caspian Sea  to Pahlavi (Iran)
“Wczasie pierwszej i drugiej ewakuacji z ZSRR na Bliski Wchod lacznie ewakuowano 115 742 osoby, w tym 78 470 zolniezy i 37 272 osoby cywilne. Wsrod ewakuowanych zolnierzy bylo: 4033 oficerow, 66 890 podoficerow i szeregowcow, 4618 juneczek i junakow, 2924 ochotniczek PSK. Wsrod ludnosci cywilnej bylo 13 948 dzieci, w wiekszosci sieroty.”
[Piotr Zaron, Armia Andersa, p. 144]

"During the first and second evacuations from the USSR to the Middle East, 115,742 people in total were evacuated, including 78,470 soldiers and 37,272 civilians. Among the evacuated soldiers were 4,033 officers, 66,890 non-commisioned officers and serial soldiers, 4,618 cadet boys and girls, and 2,924 volunteers in the Women's Auxiliary Service. Among civilians were: 13,948 children, mostly orphans."

Zosia and Wikcia were among these numbers of evacuated people. They traveled in the first transport.

Interview Fragment.  English language summary.  Polish language voice file:  About epidemic in Kermine, military school for girls and evacuation through the Caspian Sea to Pahlavi.

ZL: Later my brother joined the cadet school there, so he, Stasio, was already there. So I went to see my little brother there because it was not far, there, where the army was organizing itself.  When I came, there was a big wagon, full of dead people (…) they were taking [them] away to some delve and burying.


So we traveled in a ship, and we were so packed …. My sister was crying to give her water to drink, but there was no water anywhere, because that water was dirty… so she cried. I remember, my leg started [to hurt], (…) and I couldn’t walk (…) I cried, because this leg hurt (…) Later they took us from that train in ship to Pahlavi. The same… children were dying… something terrible…

  • Over 10 000 civilians traveling with the army die along the way and are buried in SRRs and Iran. Among them are Zosia’s father Jan Kowalski (53 years old, died from the heart attack in the hospital in Kermine, Uzbekistan), her brother Stanislaw Kowalski (15 years old, died from an epidemic disease in Kermine, Uzbekistan), and sister Janina (8 years old, died from an epidemic disease in Kermine, Uzbekistan).  They died between March 1942, when Zosia left Kermine, and the fall of 1942, when Zosia left Pahlavi. She recalled getting a letter with the information about their deaths when she was staying in Pahlavi with the school.
Zosia's sister Agatka (18 years old) probably died somewhere on the way from Kermine to Pahlavi, most likely during the journey through the Caspian Sea. Their brother Antoni (24 years old), who later found himself in Iraq where the II Corps was formed, traveled separately with the serial soldiers. Their stepmother Anna Jaworska was among the evacuated civilians in the second transport. She died in Kenya, Africa, during the 1952 Mau Mau Uprising.

Interview Fragment.  English language summary.  Polish language voice fileZosia gets a letter with the bad news

September-- December:  Zosia’s Journey:  Pahlavi (Iran) to Teheran (Iran) to Kirkuk region (Iraq) to Nazareth (Palestine)
  • Zosia and Wikcia travel with the school girls of the ‘szkola junaczek’ military school for girls from Pahlavi to Teheran.
They come to Teheran together with 1,066 girls, 309 of them, who were at least 16 years old, including Zosia, stay. Some of them were sent back to their parents, or joined PSK (Pomocnicza Sluzba Kobiet/ Women's Auxiliary Service). 412 girls, orphans below the age of 16, including Wiktoria Kowalska, are sent to orphanages organized by the army. Wiktoria is sent to an orphanage in Isfahan , Iran.

Interview Fragment.  English language summary  Polish language voice file: Journey form Pahlavi to Teheran.

ZL: And then in Teheran, the people, when everyone was marching, the people were looking and saying: ‘where this little one is from? All the girls so tall, and this one so little’. And she, later, Wikcia, (...) couldn’t go to Palestine because she was too small. (...) And she had to go to Isfahan... all the little children... to Isfahan...
  • At the end of 1942 the school is relocated from Teheran to Palestine. Zosia did not go with the school, but traveled with the army through Iraq to Nazareth.
1943  Broader historical context.

  • On the way to Palestine Zosia stops in Iraq (Kirkuk region). There she meets her brother Antoni and they travel together to Nazareth (Palestine).
Interview Fragment. English language summary.  Polish language voice file A stop in Iraq and meeting Antoni.
Image:  Zosia Kowalska and her Brother Antoni Kowalski in Polish Army uniforms in Iraq.

ZL: ...I was crying so much. God, I think, I won’t see him again.. And once a woman came, she was (...) at a good position and she said: ‘ Zosia, you know, come there with me...’ They were giving us cigarettes in the army, but I didn’t smoke and she didn’t smoke. ‘You know – she says – we will go there, these Arabs sit there – she says – they will give us oranges and everything for the cigarettes’. And I took these cigarettes and we went. And we took oranges, all, they gave us for those cigarettes.  And we go. And she already went to her tent and I still am staying and looking. I am looking and thinking: ‘Oh, what a handsome boy, so tall, beautiful, he walks around these tents back and forth. I don’t know... he walks and walks’.And I thought: ‘I’ll go closer and I’ll see who is this handsome boy’. So I went... and I walk so close to him and he started to shout: ‘Zosia, it’s you!’. It was my brother! I started to shout, I dropped those oranges, and started to cry... he hugs me. And then he went to his captain – they were also about to leave – and he told all the story (...) And he says: ‘go Antos with her to Palestine, I permit you’.

  • Zosia accompanied by Antoni travels to Palestine. On the way there she joins the school again, and Antoni goes back to his unit.
Interview Fragment.  English language summary.  Polish language voice fileTravel to Palestine and arrival at Nazareth.

August - December
  • Zosia arrives to Nazareth with the military school. She stays there until the end of the war. 
  • At some point Zosia stops attending school (traumatized, as she explains in the interview, by losing almost all the family at the same time). Instead she gets a job in a shop.  From time to time she carries messages between Nazareth and Jerusalem for and from General Jozef Wiatr, Base Commander of the Polish Army in the Middle East.


Antoni Kowalski travels with the army to Italy.

1944  Broader historical context.
Zosia stays in Nazareth in the Anders' Army base.

Interview Fragment.  English language summary.  Polish language voice file:  In Nazareth.

ZL: When there was a need to go somewhere, to Jerusalem, to meet, to take papers to general Wiatr – and it had to be delivered to his hands, you couldn’t give it to anyone – then the commander always came to me: ‘Zosia, you have to go to Jerusalem today’. I didn’t know where and what. There was a Polish House in Jerusalem. And I had to take a bus, and go, and I found, and I gave those papers, I delivered to his hands. And wherever was a need to go, they would send me, because: ‘Zosia would take care of everything best’. And I remember there was this major... all army was watching us, the school.... so he would always come. And the other one, a captain. And they say to me: ‘Zosia, you know, perhaps you would go with us to the cinema today? (...) They invited me to the cinema. I went. And so he would come: ‘Oh, Zosia, you know, we are going to play cards. There will be the priest, the two of us, and you.’ So, everywhere, always only ‘Zosia, Zosia’, they were asking me.


Zosia Kowalska at the end of World War II.
1946  Broader historical context.

  • The Anders' Army is relocated to Great Britain in 1946 and 1947. Zosia and Antoni travel with them.
Photo: Zosia Kowalska and her brother Antoni decommissioned from the Polish Army in Nazareth, Palestine at the end of World War II.

Interview Fragment.  English language summary  Polish language summary: From Palestine to England.

ZL: They transported us to England in a ship, and later we... there was this place, where we stopped temporarily (...) so we were there for few months.

  • Antoni gets a job in a hotel in Stratford. Zosia visits him there. 
Interview Fragment.  English language summary Polish language summaryVisit in Stratford and meeting Ignacy Legowski

  • Zosia meets Ignacy Legowski, (1914-1981), a Polish engineer from Pomorze, in northern Poland. He plans to return to Poland after the war but after meeting Zosia decides to stay in England for her.  Photo:  Ignacy Legowski in a Polish Army uniform during World War II.

Zosia and Ignacy Legowski get married in Birmingham, England. 

Photo:  Zosia and her husband Ignacy Legowski in England during the late 1940s.

1950  After the war (sometime in the early 50s) Zosia's sister Wiktoria comes from the U.S. to visit Zosia and her family in England.  Wiktoria, who was separated from her sister in Iran in the summer of 1942 and transported to the orphanage in Isfahan, lives in Detroit (Hamtramck) as the adopted daughter of a single American woman.
1951  Daughter Barbara (Basia) is born.
1953  Daughter Halina (Halinka) is born.
After the war (sometime in early 50s) Zosia’s sister Wiktoria came from the US to visit Zosia and her family in England.  Wiktoria, who was separated from her sister in Iran, in summer 1942 and transported to the orphanage in Isfahan, lived in Detroit (Hamtramck) as an adopted daughter of a single American woman.
Zosia moves to the United States with her husband Ignacy Legowski and daughters Halinka and Basia.

Interview Fragment.  English language summary Polish language voice file Wiktoria's visit to England and Zosia's arrival to the United States.

MK: and how, when you came to the United States from England? In what circumstances?

ZL: We, there, in England… I already had… we had a house already, because my brother had a house, and we lived at me brother’s house, we bought furniture, everything. And we planned to stay in England already, and to buy a house there, and we already were looking for a house. But my sister Wikcia came from America to visit us in England, and she saw, and she started to talk that ‘maybe you would come to America… that would be very good’. And so, and she started to ask me. I didn’t know… I say, that I don’t know… and it was free, to go to America, and later you had to pay money. And I had two girls, Basia and Halinka. Basia was 6 and Halinka 4 years old.

MK: What year was that?

ZL: it was fiftieth, I think, sixth.


MK: and where did your sister live?

ZL: My sister lived… I don’t know exactly.

MK: In Detroit?

ZL: yes, she lived in Detroit. They had a house, that woman who adopted my sister, she was single and she had a brother, and he lived with us. And my sister lived there. And she… best schools, best everything for my sister. She worked in that company, Jews, I don’t know, a company, and they liked her a lot. She worked there.

  • Zosia gets a job in a Detroit restaurant.
  • She starts working for Mr. Bielawski at the Cabaret Restaurant on Chene Street, located above the Round Bar owned by Leon Kulesza.
Interview Fragment.  English language summary.  Polish language voice file:  The beginning in Hamtramck, looking for a job, and Mr. Bielawski's restaurant.

ZL: … and I want to go to work. And then I… the son lived there, just… I forgot… downstairs, a family lived, and I was saying – he had a restaurant somewhere – I was saying if I could get a job there in the restaurant, anything, to wash the dishes, or whatever… And he says: ‘I will speak to my father – he says – maybe he would give you a job there.’ But we needed to find a babysitter to look after the kids, the girls. And I remember that I went. And they said: good, so you can come here and wash the dishes in the kitchen. Here, on Chene, and I went where he had that…

MK: and which restaurant was that?

ZL: his name was Bielawski.

MK: what was his name?

ZL: his name was Bielawski.

MK: Bielawski?

ZL: Yes. He had that restaurant. And I began to work there.

MK: Which restaurant exactly?

ZL: there, on Chene.

MK: The Round Bar?

ZL: Yes, Round Bar.

1959  Dziennik Polski (Polish Daily News)  Round Bar ad, December 31, 1959, wishing patrons a happy new year.
1960  Dziennik Polski (Polish Daily News) Round Bar ad, dated December 25, 1960, wishing patrons a Merry Christmas and happy new year.

Customers being served at Zosia's Restaurant by a waitress, who later became the wife of the owner of the Round Bar. 

Photo taken by Frank J. Slomzenski in the early 1960s.

Zosia and her cook in the kitchen at Zosia's Restuarant. 

Photo taken by Frank J. Slomzenski in the early 1960s.

Hanna Golik, a waitress at Zosia's Restaurant getting ready to take food out into the dining room. 

Photo taken by Frank J. Slomzenski in the early 1960s.


Zosia Legowska's younger daughter Halina working at her mother's restaurant. 

Photo taken by Frank J. Slomzenski in the early 1960s.

In the early 1960s Zosia's family bought a house in Hamtramck.  Earlier they lived with her sister Wiktoria.

Zosia buys Bielawski's business and opens her own restaurant:  Zosia's.  She rents the space from Mr. Kulesza, who still owns the Round Bar.

Interview Fragment.  English language summary.  Polish language voice file:  About Zosia's Restaurant.

MK: How did it [the restaurant] look like?

ZL: There was a large window as you came in, there was a door, the windows were long, and there were very large windows upstairs. It looked very nice.

MK: what was the color? was it made of wood? or the brick?

ZL: the brick. And the next one, there was a Polish bookstore also, and it was very nice.

MK: what you could see as you came in to the restaurant from the street?

ZL: as you came in, there was a huge bar, long; and then, to the left, you would go to Zosia’s, to the restaurant.

MK: was there a balcony upstairs?

ZL: there was a balcony. I have a photo there, I will show you. And later there... so I started to work there. And later he, he drank, so he was sick and he couldn’t work any longer. And that owner, of that bar, was saying if I perhaps could take... he would give me for free for now, so I try if I could run that restaurant. I say that I don’t know.  So I asked my husband, what he thought. And he says: ‘try, take it, if for a while, and you will see how you will be able to run this restaurant’. And I agreed, and he gave me a little cheaper. And I started to cook then. That woman there... that one... across the street she lived...

MK: What was her name?

ZL: … her name was... and she was coming, and they were coming already...., the other one, Jusia, and that one, I don’t know, Maria, or what was her name, so they were coming already at 4am. She was cooking soups. And always she cooked two soups. Every day there were two different soups. And she cooked. And they did everything. And pierogi on Friday and Saturday, and pierogi already were on Friday, and potato pancakes, all that was cooked.

MK: and now... the restaurant always was upstairs, right? And where was the kitchen?

ZL: and kitchen was also upstairs.

MK: upstairs, behind the restaurant?

ZL: yes.

MK: and how many tables there were upstairs?

ZL: there were quite a lot around (...)

MK: and the restaurant was open only for dinner or for lunch as well?

ZL: yes, it was [open] from 12pm to 8pm.

MK: and what time you were coming there?

ZL: I was coming very... I was coming always earlier, because I had to go shopping to the market.

MK: to the Chene Ferry Market?

ZL: yes, and I had to… everything there, to give an order for them to bring (...)


ZL: And one day that detective was coming. He was the biggest boss detective, and was always coming and playing the piano so beautifully, and everything… and so, always, he was my best friend: ‘Zosia, if you need anything, just tell me’. Later a guest was coming from the city, he was the biggest boss of these all pharmacies, and his wife was the biggest boss of all these schools, and they had one son. And he was coming always, always right to the kitchen he run, and hug me and: ’you the best’. So he was coming, he was bringing me so many generals, and that one, from …(?), senator Levine (?), he was there. And I don’t know, these professors, so many of them were coming. So many of all of them that I even didn’t know who was who. And they only wanted to see Zosia, and ‘hello’, and hug. And so many of these young detectives was coming there, a lot of them, all. I didn’t know… and one day a guy came from…, I think a big boss of automobiles came.  I said to my husband, that he… ‘what are you saying? where he would there… to that your restaurant…?’. When I saw in the television, I said: ‘he was there’. He said: ‘impossible… wow’. And all the people hug and so, families are coming and kids. (…)

Interview Fragments:  1 and 2.  Polish language voice files, 1 and 2:  Zosia talking about traditional Polish food served in her restaurant.

The most popular dishes served at Zosia's restaurant:

Barley soup
Cucumber soup
Tomato soup
Sour ryemeal soup
Duck blood soup
kurczak Chicken
golabki Stuffed cabbage rolls
sznycelki z cieleciny Veal schnitzel with fried egg
watrobka cieleca
Veal liver
sznycel po wiedensku Viennese schnitzel
Pierogi/ dumplings
z ziemniakami   
with potatoes
z serem
with cheese
z kapusta
with kraut
Pancakes, Blintzes
z serem
with cheese
z powidlami
with jam
bigos Hunter stew

*Interview with Hanna Golik (a waitress at Zosia's Restaurant): 1. Hanna's experience of coming to the United States and getting a job at Zosia's Restaurant

*Interview with Hanna Golik: 2. Hanna's description of Zosia's Restaurant

*Interview with Hanna Golik: 3. Hanna's description of Zosia

*Interview with Hanna Golik: 4. Hanna speaks about her work in the Restaurant

*Interview with Hanna Golik: 5. Hanna speaks about the food served in the Restaurant

*Interview with Hanna Golik: 6. Hanna's memories of the Restaurant


Business Card for Zosia's Restaurant from the 1970s.

Photo of Halina Legowska with her mother Zosia Legowska in the backyard of their home in Hamtramck in May 1970.

Zosia Legowska and her daughter Barbara in Hamtramck.
December 16th (Sunday) - Leon Kulesza, owner of the Round Bar, is shot in the bar. The Round Bar is taken over by Tadeusz (Ted) Nawrocki.  Ted had been a bartender at Kulesza's.
*Press information:
                                 Dziennik Polski, December 18, 1973, notes the passing of Kulesza on the previous day.
                                 Detroit Free Press
(12/17/73): 1, 2.
   Detroit News (12/17/73)

Interview Fragment.  English language summary Polish language voice file:  Round Bar's Owners--Kulesza and Nawrocki.

Photos taken on May 11, 1978 at Irene Jaruga's 50th birthday party at the Round Bar on Chene where she was born.
1.  Esther Jaruga (George's wife) is sitting in the foreground.  Kenneth Charles Bartos (Irene's son) is in the plain sport coat.  Linda and Ed Andrzejewski Jr. are sitting along the back table. 

2.  Photo of Round Bar taken from the upstairs balcony.

3.  Michael A. Yuskowatz (Norene's son) being held up by George Jaruga (Irene's brother).  Photo taken facing the front window onto Chene.

Photo of the Round Bar and Zosia's Restaurant (located upstairs) at 5331 Chene

Photo taken in the mid-70s by Larry Chominski.

From article about Zosia's Restaurant "City's Ethnic Bistros Stay Put -- and Thrive" in Detroit Free Press :
“The gentleman from Troy had just downed a bowl of czarnina zupa (duck blood soup) and a generous portion of pierogi z kapusta (cabbage dumplings).  He washed it down with gulps of bitter Zywiec Polish beer and grinned contentedly. ‘You know’ he said ‘you can have a $50,000 home in the country and make $30,000 a year but you still have to come back here to get to your roots”
-- see full article here: 1, 2, 3

Zosia's Restaurant has been also mentioned in a poem, Philip Levine's "Naming," from his collection "Breath" (2004).

October 15, 1979.  Zosia's reopens at 2990 Yemans.
Zosia says in the interview  that she closed the restaurant shortly after her husband's death. 
Ignacy Legowski died in 1981, and in that year Zosia's name doesn't appear on the list of tenants. 
She closed the restaurant in 1981.

1982  Zosia is hired by the Polish Village Restaurant, Hamtramck.

Photos taken in September of the old Round Bar Building.

Zosia Legowska receiving the Polish American heritage Award at St. Hyacinth Church from Fr. Frank Skalski at St. Hyacinth, context image from Google Earth in 2012

Photos of Zosia Legowska taken in September in the garden of her home in Warren, Michigan:  1, 2, 3, 4.
2012  June 26.  Zosia dies in Warren, Michigan.  Obituary from the Polish Weekly.

Kozak village, near Korzec town, Wolyn, Wolyn District (wojewodztwo wolynskie) Pre-war Polish Republic (today Ukraine).

Zosia's World in Europe.  
Download Zosia's Travels as a .kmz file and take a tour in Google Earth.

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