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Michael enjoying Jack's pipe, 1960 Michael, Patricia, Jack at Scott Fountain, Belle Isle, 1962 Michael, Patricia, Jack at Scott Fountain, Belle Isle (note fact that these pictures were taken three separate days in same year confirms how often they went there), 1962 Michael, Patricia, Jack at Scott Fountain, Belle Isle, 1962 Jack driving Michael nuts at the camera shop on E. Warren and Three Mile Dr where Jack was receiving a rather lengthy lesson on how to manipulate his new Polaroid, 1964 Both dates on this photo are wrong. It's Jack, Michael, and Boom Boom (91) at her last birthday, 2 April 1977 on Buckingham Suzanne, Patricia, Michael, Sharon, Jack, at Ford Auditorium for Michael's high school graduation, 27 May 1977 Christopher, Suzanne, Jack, Sharon opening presents, one at a time and very, very slowly, on Buckingham, 23 December 1979 Jack was very proud of supervising "The Fund" at the age of 35, Garfield Building. He also was interviewed on WJR same day. Michael, Uncle Bob, Jack at Uncle Bob and Aunt Lois' house, Cincinnati, April 1966 Robert and Jack in living room on Independence, ca. November 1971 Jack and Michael and Darin?, living room at 8739 Independence, Sterling Heights, November 1969 Michael and Jack at Sharon's grandmother's house, Easter, 11 April 1971 (photo was actually originally part of a scrapbook Sharon made for Michael, thus her caption)